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September-October Highlights for Changhong IT

In recent years, Changhong IT strives to build the bridge between manufacturers and channel partners, and has joined hands with leading companies in the industry to hold several seminars around big data, IoT, cloud computing and other areas from September to October, to provide partners with a platform for exchanges, integration, and discussion. As a new comprehensive ICT service provider, Changhong IT gains insight into market trends, follows the development of the times and plans in advance; it continuously explored and built new models based on the Internet. In September, it launched the Jiahuaduola vertical e-commerce distribution platform, which received unanimous praise. In addition, Changhong IT’s performance continues to grow, and has won numerous awards from manufacturers. Here, let's take a look at some highlights in the last two months!

Performance Announcement

01 - Revenue and Profit Increase - Changhong Jiahua Announces the 2019 Third Quarter performance announcement

On October 25, Changhong Jiahua Holdings Limited (stock code 8016.HK) released the 2019 Q3 performance announcement. According to the announcement: in the first three quarters of 2019, Changhong Jiahua sales revenue has reached approximately HK$ 19.678 billion, up 23.03% over the same period of the previous year.

On-line platform launched

02 - Changhong IT Launches the B2B New Distribution Platform Jiahuaduola to Explore New Business Models of the Internet Distribution Channel

On September 16th, Jiahuaduola was officially launched, which is an important step of Changhong IT in its exploration of a new business model of the Internet distribution channel. Over the years, Changhong IT has been concerned about the dynamics of the ecosystem partners. While maintaining their traditional business advantages, it seeks innovation and upgrading to keep up with the times and continue to explore and build a new business model. This time, Changhong IT gathers a large number of brands, distributors and dealers to launch the Jiahuaduola platform and is committed to developing it as an omni-channel ICT vertical e-commerce distribution platform.


 03 - Changhong IT is Named the 2019 Best General Agent in China by Radware

In mid-September, Radware held the 2019 Cloud Service Partner Summit in Dujiangyan, Chengdu. As one of Radware's closest partners, Changhong IT was invited to participate in the conference, and won the 2019 Best General Agent in China award with its outstanding performance in 2018. In the future, Changhong IT will continue to deepen its cooperation with Radware to jointly develop the cloud security services and help channel partners to provide Chinese enterprises with more excellent services and solutions!

04 - Changhong IT Received Best General Agent Opening Contribution Award by Lenovo NetApp

In late October, at the "Collective Intelligence Mutual Growth-2019 Lenovo NetApp Channel Conference” in Zhuhai, Changhong IT was awarded with the Best General Agent Opening Contribution Award. Since Lenovo NetApp’s establishment in February 28, 2019, Changhong IT has provided it with great support in commerce, services and technology, helping it to achieve excellent results in business. After winning the award, Changhong IT will continue to work with Lenovo NetApp to explore new ideas in the era of the Internet and intelligence, to tap into new markets.

05 - Changhong IT Received Best Contribution Award by Hitachi Vantara 

On October 24th, ‘Unleash the Power of Data’- Hitachi Vantara (China) Forum was successfully held in Beijing Kerry Hotel. IT decision-makers from Hitachi Vantara and various sectors gathered to explore the value of data. As an important partner for Hitachi Vantara, Changhong IT was invited to attend and participate in the summit dialogue. At the banquet of the day, Changhong IT was awarded with the "Best Contribution Award" for its continuous business growth for three consecutive years.

Connecting partners

 06 - Changhong IT Supports Poly Expo Shenyang Event, New Poly Defines a New Communication Model

Changhong IT and Poly jointly held the Poly Expo 2019 in Shenyang, where the new Poly brand and a series of new products were released and have received widespread attention and praise from users and partners in Northeast China. As the bridge between manufacturers and channel partners, Changhong IT has rich user and channel resources and has successfully held many marketing activities. This touring exhibition is the first debut of Poly in the Northeast market. It provides a high-quality platform for local channels and users to get to know the new Poly products, services and channel policies.

07 - Changhong IT and Hitachi Vantara Jointly Held a Seminar on Next-Generation Data Center Development Trends

On September 20, the Seminar on Next-Generation Data Center Development Trends co-organized by Changhong IT and Hitachi Vantara was successfully held at Xiangyang. The seminar aims to help partners understand data center development trends at the forefront of technology, explore data value and realize digital transformation. Changhong IT has always adhered to the business philosophy of ‘being the partner to help grow, support success’. It has built a broad and smooth communication platform for partners and continuously provide excellent integrated ICT services.

08 - Changhong IT Supports the Dell Technologies Forum 2019

On October 25th, the "Real Transformation" 2019 Dell Technologies Forum was held in Beijing National Convention Center. As a Dell EMC's partner for many years, Changhong IT was invited to attend the forum and set up a booth. The conference has gathered 140 industry experts and influencers, 120+ solutions were introduced and demonstrated, and the participants had an in-depth discussion on the broad prospects of digital transformation. Facing the digital transformation, Changhong IT will help manufacturers grow and support the success of channel partners with excellent ICT comprehensive services.

Deepen Cooperation

 09 - “Grow Stably and Rapidly”Changhong IT and Avaya Jointly Holds the 10th Anniversary Celebrations

On September 5, the “A Decade of stellar partnership, Accelerating new Epic future”10th Anniversary celebration of cooperation between Changhong IT and Avaya was held in Beijing Changhong Technology Building. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the cooperation, the leaders of the two sides held the commemorative seal together and stamped it on the scroll with the celebration theme written on it, and cut the cake that symbolizes the ten years of cooperation between the two parties. In the future, the two parties will continue to deepen their cooperation and jointly explore the Chinese communications market, benefiting more channel partners and customers.